Distance study

Martina Coufalová
Martina Coufalová
Mathematics, Physics
4A's form teacher

Martina graduated at the pedagogical faculty of Univerzity in Hradec Králové, specialization in Mathematics and Physics. She has been teaching Mathematics and Physics at the 2nd grade at a elementary school in Mladá Boleslav since she finished the University. She has visited the European School in Lucemburk to get some new experience and she has attended Science teaching course. She is a volleyball coach and she likes flying, archery, reading books and she loves lots of kinds of sports.

Adéla Drobečková
Adéla Drobečková
Czech language
8B's form teacher

Adéla graduated from the Faculty of Education at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, with a focus on teaching Czech language and literature, as well as History. In the summer of 2012, she completed in Ohio an AMI Montessori course specialized in adolescents and actively contributed to the implementation of Montessori education at a high school. Currently, she teaches Czech language and literature.
In her free time, she enjoys reading, going to the theater, engaging in sports, traveling, and spending time with friends.

Marie Hančová
Marie Hančová
English language, History, Art

Marie graduated from the Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague with a focus on history and German language. She continued her studies in the field of general humanities at the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University. After completing her studies and obtaining additional qualifications, she began her teaching career as an English language teacher at Duhovka.
Her pedagogical studies, combined with life experiences, studies, and work in Germany and France, played a crucial role in her teaching career. Traveling across Europe, America, Asia, and New Zealand further enriched her understanding of life and education.

Ludmila Klejchová
Ludmila Klejchová
Mathematics, Biology

Lída graduated from the Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague with a focus on teaching biology and mathematics. After completing her studies, she spent two years abroad, in England and the USA. Upon her return to the Czech Republic, she expanded her teaching qualifications by adding English to her expertise. Over the past few years, Lída has attended various workshops and conferences dedicated to Montessori education and completed an educational course in Ohio, USA. Lída is an accredited Montessori teacher according to both AMI and AMS standards for the age group of 12-18 years.
In her free time, she pursues further studies in biology, attends educational seminars, and engages in field exercises. Lída enjoys outdoor activities, which she shares with her family and friends.

Markéta Králíčková
Markéta Králíčková
Czech and German language
7B's form teacher

She graduated from Faculties of Arts of Universities in Ostrava and Brno. Doctor’s degree in history of education she defended successfully at the Faculty of Art of the Charles University. She worked in the National museum of education of J.A. Komensky and she also taught at a primary school for several years. She teaches Czech language and history at Gymnasium Duhovka, she is a class teacher at the same time.

Tomáš Kučera
Tomáš Kučera
deputy director
German, Social studies, Economics + 6A's form teacher

Tomas graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, discipline International economic relations, and now he studies the Education of economical subjects. In 2013 he completed a diploma Montessori course for children from 12 to 16 years (Sekundarstufenkurs) at the Institute of holistic learning in Tegernsee and Potsdam in Germany. At Gymnasium Duhovka he is a member of school management, teaches German language, financial literacy and economics, he manages the school websites and he is a class teacher.

Romana Kučerková
Romana Kučerková

Romana graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Prague, specializing in Optics and Optoelectronics. After completing her university education, she taught physics and mathematics at our high school on full-time study. Following her maternity leave, she is now dedicated solely to distance education in physics. Additionally, she works as a scientific researcher in research and development at the Institute of Physics in Prague. To complete her qualifications, she obtained a pedagogical certification, culminating in a state examination at the Faculty of Science in Ústí nad Labem. In her free time, she is involved in coaching and actively participates in orienteering competitions.

Zuzana Pavelková
Zuzana Pavelková
deputy director
Biology, Mathematics + 3B's form teacher

Zuzana graduated from the Faculty of Science of the Charles University, discipline Teaching of mathematics and biology. In summer 2012 she completed the course AMI Montessori Orientation to Adolescent Studies in Ohio.

Marcela Rutová
Marcela Rutová
office manager
distance students officer

Marcela graduated form a high school and then a socio-legal vocational school. She has been working for the high school since 1997. In her free time, she does sports, studies English, and takes care of her pets.

Michal Sláma
Michal Sláma

A master's degree and more than twenty years of personal experience observing how people approach information technology have led me to teach computer science at Duhovka. Here, I have the opportunity to work with high school students from diverse backgrounds and with demanding educational needs. My own experiences in overcoming educational challenges and a well-rounded perspective on computer science as both a science and a subject of study are what help me the most in my teaching.

E-mail: michal.slama@duhovkagymnazium.cz

Jiří Šulc
Jiří Šulc
7A's form teacher

Jiří graduated from a high science school in Pardubice and than from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, discipline Teaching. He gained a great experience while teaching at a primary school. He has been working as a mathematics teacher at our gymnasium for many years. He likes to pass his time with students not only at school, but also during various sport and culture events, project excursions, and trips and so on. Beside his family his most favorite hobbies are sports, playing the guitar, visiting the theatres and traveling.

E-mail: jiri.sulc@duhovkagymnazium.cz

Zdena Tejkalová
Zdena Tejkalová

Zdena graduated from the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague and teaches chemistry and English language at a high school.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
English language

Christine holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations with a focus on elective subjects related to creative writing. In addition, she has obtained CELTA and DELTA qualifications. Her journey into the field of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) was not something she initially planned; rather, she gradually fell into it and found herself intrigued by it.
Ultimately, what she values most in her profession is the people she works with, including colleagues and students. The relationships she builds with them are at the core of her pedagogical journey.

Magdaléna Tomanová
Magdaléna Tomanová
Spanish language, Photography
2B's form teacher

Magdaléna studied Spanish philology at the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University in Brno. She continued her studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague with the Iberoamerican program. After completing university she worked for four years as a teacher of Spanish at a basic school. She later extended her teaching qualification to secondary schools as well. Now she is attending the Montessori course for ages 12-18. She devotes her free time to Spanish and Latin American literature, photography, theater, music and travelling.

Josef Vondra
Josef Vondra

E-mail: josef.vondra@duhovkagymnazium.cz