Eight-year full-time study

Eight-year full-time study

Open day will take place on Tuesday 4th February 2025.

DOD schedule

  • morning/afternoon:
    • 8:00 - 12:00 - tour of the school with an opportunity to see the classes
    • 10:00 - meeting with school management
  • afternoon session:
    • 17:00 - 17:30 - tour of the school
    • 17:30 - meeting with the school management


Admission process 2025

For the school year 2025/2026, we plan to admit 44 students (i.e. 2 classes - Prima A, Prima B) to the eight-year programme (major 79-41-K/81) at the Gymnázium Duhovka on the basis of the admission procedure. The admission procedure consists of 40% of the school part and, according to the Decree, also 60% of the state part (didactic tests in Czech language and mathematics from Cermat). Each year, the headmaster decides, in accordance with Section 60(2) and (3) of the Education Act, on the admission procedure and sets uniform criteria for applicants (see below).

For the school year 2024/2025, the dates of the state part according to the Ministry of Education and Science's Decree and the school part have been set as follows:

  • state part - 15 April 2025 (1st term) and 16 April 2025 (2nd term)
  • school part - 7 April or 10 April 2025 (the date to be determined by the school)

Announcement of admissions 2025 

Admission criteria 2025

Admission to the eight-year type of study is open to pupils who have completed the 5th grade of primary school. A duly completed application form must be submitted for admission.

The admission procedure consists of a written part:

  • state test in Czech language (weighting 30 %)
  • state test in Mathematics (weighting 30 %)
  • English language test (weighting 10 %)

and the oral part:

  • assessment centre checking learning aptitudes - motivation, cooperation, emotional maturity, independence (weight 20 %)
  • oral interview in English (weighting 10 %)

Mandatory attachments to the application:

  1. report from the first term of the 5th grade
  2. proof of completion of the fifth year of primary school (typically the final report from the fifth year), which will be submitted by the admitted applicants additionally (no later than the day of entry to the school)

Application forms delivery

The application must be submitted between 1 and 20 February 2025. For more information on how to apply, please visit this website. We do not require a medical certificate on the application form.

Please note the same order of schools on each application form you complete.

School office

Eight-year full-time study

2025/2026 Program for Grades 6 - 13

Map pin icon
Prague 7 - Holesovice
Czech-English Montessori education
concluded by Czech diploma with international IB Diploma option**

school year = 10 months

* Grades 10-13: plus CZK 20 000 / per academic year

** Grades 12-13: Czech-English Montessori education concluded by Full IB Program - plus CZK 15 000 / per academic year

Transfer to higher grade

We offer several vacancies in the upper grades. The contact person for transfer to higher grades is Ing. Tomáš Kučera, tomas.kucera@duhovkagymnazium.cz

Transfer process

  • Contact the school office to inform yourself about a vacancy in classes or to request a place on the waiting list.
  • If there is a vacancy, the applicant will take the tests for transfer (Czech language, Mathematics, English language, second foreign language) + personal interview with the school management and school psychologist.
  • If the test results are satisfactory, a five-day classroom observation is approved
  • An adaptation week/observation at school with a follow-up evaluation is a necessary part of the transfer.
  • Statement of admission/non-admission by the school director
  • Signing of the contract

What must be submitted to the school office in case of admission

  • A report from the school from which the student transfers (Grade 1 - 4 only)
  • Copy of the last transcript
  • Choice of a second foreign language (German or Spanish - from second year onwards)
  • Student questionnaire (available in the office)
  • Signed contract

Observation for interested students

If you are interested in attending a class, please contact the school office.

Equivalency exams

In the event of a transfer during the year/ after a placement abroad/ from a school with a different curriculum, the Director may require an equivalency exam. The student is informed in advance of the content and extent of the test.

Frequently Asked Questions

We primarily test the child's academic potential. Whether he/she will do well at our high school. The test shows the prerequisites for successful studies at a high school, is divided into several separate levels and focuses on the competences that are necessary for a student of high school, i.e. understanding of tasks, methods of solving conceptual and numerical relations, etc.

The interview with the psychologist focuses on the psychosocial maturity of the applicant and the verification of personal prerequisites for studying at a high school, whose education and values are based on the goals based on the pedagogy of Maria Montessori. The sub-topics of the interview are: motivation to study, ability to work independently and cooperatively, willingness to take responsibility, ability to communicate and think in context, ability to navigate one's responsibilities.

The result in English represents 20 % of the weight of the admission procedure. Our school is also manageable for students from state elementary schools.